Hurley Engineering PLLC

Electrical Studies that Ensure Safety and Reliability

Short Circuit, Coordination, and Arc Flash Analysis

At Hurley Engineering PLLC, we specialize in performing short circuits, coordination, and arc flash studies for our clients. Our team is dedicated to serving our customers and ensuring they have a positive and successful experience working with us every step of the way!

Creative Solutions For Engineering Problems


Who We Are

Our commitment is to deliver top-notch consulting services for electrical projects.

At Hurley Engineering PLLC, we specialize in performing short circuits, coordination, and arc flash studies for our clients. Our principal, Floyd H.M Sam, P.E, has 36 years of experience as an electrical engineer and has worked as a system engineer at a primary power plant in New York City.

He also has many years of experience designing power systems for industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities, including hospitals, correctional facilities, and schools.


Because of his extensive understanding of power systems, Hurley Engineering PLLC can apply this knowledge to benefit our clients.

As an official minority business in New York City and NYNJMSDC certified organization, we are passionate about offering high-quality services tailored to the diverse needs of all community members who seek us out for assistance.

We would like to study your system to give you the necessary safety assurance.

  • Is your facility compliant with the NEC, OSHA, and NFPA codes and standards?

  • Are your operators at risk of injury from arc flash incidents?

  • Do your operators wear the correct PPE for arc flash protection?

FAQ´s about our service

Short circuit studies are performed to determine the maximum current that would flow through an electrical system during a fault condition. The values are used to select the fault duties of electrical equipment that would enable the equipment to withstand fault currents that would otherwise cause damage during a fault condition.

Short circuit studies are performed to determine the maximum current that would flow through the electrical system during fault conditions. These values are used t determine the fault duty of electrical equipment. Equipment with adequately rated fault duty would be protected from fault currents below its rating.

Coordination studies are performed to determine the effectiveness of protective devices in interrupting short circuit currents closest to a fault. The coordination study analyzes the TCC curves of the protective devices and selectively coordinates the devices to isolate only the faulted section of the system, leaving the unfaulted area to continue operating.

Arc flash studies are performed to determine the value of the incident energy that would be released during an arc flash incident. Arc flash can result in severe burns to personnel not wearing the correct PPE. The arc flash study would give recommendations for selecting PPEs and provide information for equipment labels.

What problems do we solve as engineers?

Hurley Engineering eslectrical services

Electrical Short Circuit Studies

Our electrical short circuit studies comprehensively evaluate your electrical system under fault conditions. Knowing the value of the fault current is necessary to select adequate withstand current ratings for electrical equipment that would otherwise cause unnecessary downtime and costly replacement of damaged electrical equipment.
Hurley Engineering eslectrical services

Electrical Coordination Studies

Our electrical coordination studies provide an analysis of the performance of protective devices based on their ability to selectively interrupt fault currents. The coordination study will determine whether the corrective device meets the selective coordination criteria and make recommendations where these criteria still need to be completed. <br></br>
Hurley Engineering eslectrical services

Arc Flash Studies

Our arc flash studies provide an in-depth analysis of the energy an arc flash event releases. The results of our studies offer recommendations for selecting the correct protective clothing for operators of electrical equipment to prevent injury that can occur due to an arc flash incident.

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How can we help you today? Please share your message with us, and we’ll do our utmost to assist you in any way possible.

Engineer checking and inspecting at MDB panel .they working with electric switchboard to check range